Setting up the testnet blockchain node client - Linux
- Download the node client software. This software has only been tested on Ubuntu.
- Extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a folder.
Change permissions on the extracted folder. Lets say the folder is /snap/bin/dogep. You may need to run the command with sudo.
chmod 777 /snap/bin/dogep/*
Run the following commands to open firewall ports. Make sure that the commands succeed.
sudo ufw status
sudo ufw allow 22
sudo ufw allow 30303/tcp
sudo ufw allow 30303/udp
sudo ufw enable
export PATH="$PATH:/snap/bin/dogep"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/snap/bin/dogep
Create a new account by running the following command. You will be prompted for a password. Make sure you remember the password.
geth --datadir data account new
Running the above command will also show your account address. Note down this as well, since you will require it to receive coins.
- Securely backup the content of the folder named data. This folder contains your account's quantum-resistant key.
Run the following command to configure the software to connect to the Quantum Coin blockchain. Do not run it more than once.
geth --datadir data init genesis.json
- The software is now configured to connect to the Quantum Coin blockchain. You may additionally need to open TCP and UDP ports to allow incoming traffic in your router or cloud provider.
- Proceed to next steps for connecting to the blockchain.
- About Testnet T3
- Requirements
- Setting up blockchain node client
- Connecting to the blockchain
- Interacting with the blockchain